My research into the subject of Kunyaza has revealed many enthusiasts who swear upon the
effectiveness of this technique. Before the women jump up in protest about this
being another male driven research that is designed to enhance the male image
and boost his ego, I also happened to go to a lot of trouble, and not a little
pain and embarrassment to interview some of my female friends, acquaintances
and even a few strangers. Most of them had no clue what I was talking about but
a few of them were wise to me.
Baganda Men
Almost all of the ones in the know tell me that they were
introduced to the practice by partners from around the region mostly Uganda but
also from Rwanda. According to these lucky few, women who have never
experienced this technique are missing out in a big way. I turned my attention
some of the few contacts I have in those places and I discover that this
technique has been handed down from generation to generation mostly by oral tradition
and Ssengas and Kojjas. Maybe this technique is the reason why
our elders managed to marry many wives and succeeded in keeping them satisfied
and in line.
This is the name that our brothers and sisters in Rwanda and
parts of Burundi know this technique by, Kunyaza.
They literary swear by it! In Uganda it is known as Kakyabali (anglicized Kachabali)
and it is alleged to make your female partner reach the big O everytime. Orgasms
from this technique are reported to be more powerful and a lot wetter. In fact
the Rwanda-Rundi term Kunyaza is
boiled down from the verb Kunyaàra which means “to
urinate” (remind you of a certain sheng word, “kunyora”, which
means the same thing?) which gives one an idea of how wet these orgasms
actually are. But don’t confuse what happens during Kunyaza as urinating,
practitioners say that this is the real female ejaculation because the
ejaculate does not have the consistency of water indicating urine nor does it
have the odor of ammonia. It has a heavier viscosity and is cloudy to white with
no odor, ohh la la!
So how
exactly is this technique performed?
Tapping and Rubbing
Katerero and Kutunda as this technique is known in parts of Tanzania and
Zimbabwe respectively is best performed with the couple in a sitting position
as described by this technique’s most prominent proponent Dr. Nsekuye
Bizimana in his revealing and enlightening book, Le secret de l’amour à l’africaine (2008).
According to Dr. Bizimana, Kunyaza,
is best performed from a sitting position. The man takes hold of his penis, he
then proceeds to rub and tap the head, glans, on the vulva, labia and clitoris of his
partner. He can do this by moving rhythmically around the vulva in circular
movements alternating that with zigzagging motions that begin from the clitoris
over the labia and vulva and back up repeatedly.
It goes without saying that these movements will be greatly facilitated if
there is sufficient lubrication. Note that up to this point there has been no
penetration. This is just working her up. After she has began writhing and
wriggling for a while you can alternate the rubbing and tapping with shallow
thrusting movements termed gucuga. These
shallow thrusts are designed to take advantage of the rich nerve area just a few
centimeters in and around the vulva. Vary gucuga
with gucumita, which are deeper
thrusts caressing the cervix. You can do, for instance, one gucumita for every five gucuga, all the time making exaggerated
circular motions against the vaginal walls using your middle and index finger
to hold your penis to help you in this “screwing” (bad pun) motion.
If the man finds that his wrist or hand is getting tired the woman can take
over and rub his penis against herself.
Dr. Bizimana advises that, although it is better that this technique be
performed while the couple are sitting (the woman is sitting on the man’s lap)
it can also be successful if the woman is sprawled on her back with the man
kneeling between her legs (as in the beginning of the missionary position)
Some critiques of Dr.Bizimana insist that his adaptation of Kunyaza deviates from the traditional
one by overlooking the labia elongation, gukuna,
aspect of Kunyaza, which is
considered intrinsic to it.
Say what you will but form the sound of it this technique
has potential. It has the advantage of hitting most of her “hot” zones without
the risk of the man ejaculating prematurely. This technique might come off as
being all about the woman but all that tapping, rubbing and gucuga are done using the head of the
penis (glans), the most sensitive part of the penis, so men get prepared for “close
calls” while doing this.
Having said that Kunyaza
is supposed to be fun for the both of you and you should (especially the
men) approach it with that attitude and not an attitude of “it sounds like too
much work”.
Experiment with it then come thank me later. Tell us if all
the hype and hullaballoo surrounding this technique is warranted.
When your woman refuses to let you out of the bedroom and
when your man leaves your legs shaking then you know this technique has passed.
Next piece will be about gukuna,
who does it? Where is it done? How it is done? Does it work? Also we shall look
at if it is possible to increase the size of your manhood by simple exercises
or if it’s all voices in your head.
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